Person fishing on a loch

Gone Fishing! near Barend, Dalbeattie

Person fishing on a loch

Barend Loch, nestled peacefully within the tranquil surroundings of the lodges, provides an idyllic setting for carp fishing.

Just 100 metres away, only a 4 minute walk!

Guests at Serenity don’t need a permit, and can enjoy carp fishing right on the loch opposite the lodge (however please only use barbless hooks). Legend has it that a monster 14lb carp was even caught here!

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Help Us to Look After Barend Loch

Serenity 22 Barend Across Barend Loch

Serenity has a great view of Barend Loch, so we’re really appreciate the efforts that are made to keep the Loch healthy and looking good! The lodges at Barend use a treatment plant over the road for waste water. The plant uses Barend Loch as a final stage of water purification before discharging via a stream into the sea. There’s no smell and the outflow from the loch is regularly tested showing a very high standard of purity.

Here are three ways you can help us to look after Barend Loch:

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